Tuesday, 30 October 2012

TUESDAY 30th and the teachers are sad at having finished their 2 days teaching at Kabalega Primary School. The P1,2 aand 3 teachers and pupils really enjoyed using the Phonics system we brought fom London and had great fun learning their sounds. Meanwhile, the 3 "appendages" - David Al and Jo enjoyed their trip to Zia Rhino Sanctuary which has a breeding programme designed to reintroduce white rhinos back into Murchison Game Park. David was disappointed at not capturing a black mamba snake on film but was delighted to get up so close and personal to the dominant male rhino!
Several of the teachers including Monica had tears in their eyes as the P7s sang and thanked us for the toiletries  provided by the parents of Furzedown School. The little ceremony was a welcome diversion for the P7s who will be leaving school  after  sitting their School Leaving Certificate next week.
This was in addition to the warm welcome we got yesterday at the morning Parade.
Happily our meeting with the teachers is not over because we are invited to Joseph Isngoma's house this evening at 6pm for a soda or two! More of that tomorrow I hope, plus details of our visit to Reverend Elizabeth's village for Lunch and Prayers on Sunday. We had a weak Internet yesterday so couldn't publish.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

We landed at Entebbe all tired and weary at lunchtime Thursday and were ferried through the traffic jams to The Red Chili hostel in Kampala. There had been one or two hiccups with passports and wallets but eventually all 11 of us  had showers, beers and supper , staying awake until going to bed around 8:30pm. That is being without sleep for 36 hours at least!
Friday, we travelled to Masindi, and stopped along he road to buy bananas and use the only decent loo along the way, arriving at Courtview Hotel for a late lunch. Then I waved the  group of ten off to the Gamepark, begging them to return on Sunday in time for the celebrations in Kisuuga village.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

WEDNESDAY3:30pm  and I am just about packed now and ready to fly!
Grace came with a beautiful pink dress destined for the bridesmaid at a family wedding .....if the bride approves she wi ll buy more and Evah will bring them out to Uganda in time for the wedding.
I have found a few more toiletries for the kids so have squeezed theminto a second smaaller suitcase ....hope I am allowed TWO  cases in the cabin  each of 23kilos........

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

On a roll! Daniel has been offered a new job at SKY  and my ad in the Church Times has been answered!
A vicar in Wales phoned this morning to say she has the robes of the late Bishop Ivor whose family wish for them to be put to good use. She will send them to us and Baz will carry them out to Uganda on the 22nd just in time for Canon George's consecration as th e Bishop of Masindi-Kitara!!!!

Meanwhile our team came 2nd in  son-in laws cricket team's fundraising quiz night!

Monday, 22 October 2012

Had quite a busy but frustrating weekend trying to find my way in to this Blog! Ruthie Benn's Frankie was a great help though and VERY patient with me!!!Perhaps I'll get the hang of blogging by the time I fly!!!!!!
Meanwhile here is a pic of Rob and Jan who came over to take Baz and me out for a curry on Saturday night...........er no .........this is me at church saying goodbye for the next 2 months

Friday, 19 October 2012

One week before I fly!

Last night I realised I should find a battery operated CD player to take to Uganda.
Wonder if Kabalega School has managed to get another computery thing that controls their solar panel?
The Furzedown teachers are getting very excited about the trip but keep bothering me about a dress code!
This is  me with Year 3 on a trip to Streatham Synagogue.They really enjoyed holding some and sketching other artifacts!Meanwhile still have that shopping to do.