Monday, 26 November 2012

MONDAY 26th November
What a lot has happened in the last  4 days and although Baz has brought me Daniel's camera to replace the one stolen  on Kabarole Hill I havn't yet worked out how to transfer the pics on to this Blog so no pics for the moment!
Met Baz who arrived on time at Entebbe with the huge parcel of Bishop's robes. Godfrey Taxi Kampala drove us directly to Masindi, stopping off at a petrol station at Kawempe suburb for a cold coke and packet of Gnuts! Arrived in Masindi just before dark and ALL the staff came out to greet us, saying that they had seen me on T.V. at The Royal Wedding!. I think  they saw me at the church service.
The Bishop Elect, George Kasangaki asked me to deliver the parcel of Bishop's robes the next morning at 9am so after a bite of supper (Baz was not hungry after journeying for over 24 hours without sleeping) and meeting up with Roger and Audrey Collor (friends of both Archbishop-elect stanley and Bishop-elect George) we fell into bed without really unpacking!
And so I got myself and the parcel to the Bishop's house  by 9am, leaving Baz sleeping. George and Joyce were SO excited at unpacking the parcel. We were amused at  finding a wonderful thick and huge black cloak - the temp. here is in the eighties as the Rainy Season  comes to a close..........We discovered 3 mitres and the most wonderful cope etc etc. Unfortunately the robes are just ever so slightly too long for George so he chose to wear  on Sunday the very shiny ones made locally.
Sunday was the dayof George's Consecration and all went wonderfully - especially since there were about a thousand people attending. The Service was held in the open air under 30 or so marquees in Kabalega PPPPrimary Primary School's playing field. sPrimary

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