TUESDAY 27th November.
Sorry I broke off rather suddenly yesterday but I was running on BATTERY with no power and the machine began to hibernate.........
Yesterday was such a good day for a Monday!
I struggled in to school after successfully finding Baz's emails. We'd had a bit of a drama when he couldn't find them on my laptop ... Al had kindly modified the computer for me when I was having trouble (it was actually MTN) and said he knew what to do as his parents were always bothering him so he had worked out how elderly people could do what they wanted to do in 3 easy steps....... I'd forgotten that once he was here Baz would want to use my computer..............
School was very quiet as they had finished End of Term Exams and the teachers were marking them..........
I handed over the magnets much to Science Teacher George Byaguraba's delight who says that now his lessons will be very interesting with the magnets to play with! Mary Headteacher was equally delighted with the 2 new clocks Daniel had found for us so now every Year Group has one clock and several have two which means most classrooms now have a clock on the wall.
I strolled over the compound to find Olive and Nebbert marking and a number of children playing outside so we rounded them all up and eventually herded about 50 (total year group numbers 130 ish) into one room,and I went over some phonics with them, making little booklets with the photocopying paper I had brought.
Had to walk on to the main road in the boiling sun to find a boda boda to take me back to Courtview so was glad I'd remembered my suncream and hat!
At 5pm teacher Jackson arrived to escort Baz and me to his teeny house (One room) in town to see his 4day old baby boy. Absolutely beautiful!As honoured guests we were given a huge bowl of matooke with groundnut sauce and not only a bottle of soda but a bottle of water as well. So hospitable!Then we quickly rushed to The new Bishop's House where I photographed George in all the finery Baz had brought from U.K. These robes are absolutely beautiful and George and Joyce are so thrilled with them. I hope to go to Wales in the New Year and show Bishop Ivor's family the photographs etc. I have taken.
Bishop George and his wife Joyce were really pleased to be talked into going back to Courtview for Dinner
with Baz and me and Audrey and Roger Collor who really are FRIENDS OF MASINDI KITARA DIOCESE.They had brought an Altar Cloth among other presents for the new Bishop. Incidentally, between us we'd forgotten to bring any purple socks but the purple handkerchiefs were a great hit!!!!Everyone thoroughly enjoyed our 3 hour long dinner together and especially the huge box of Thornton's chocolate that Sallie had brought back from U.K. on Saturday. It was a lovely evening after a lovely day.
We go to Kampala tomorrow so I will expand on the Consecration when we get back at the weekend....
Tonight a meeting with the welder about securing the classroom windows.
Thursday to the Soroptomist school near Masaka where apparently I am to present the prizes.....
And a wedding on Friday!
Thanks so much Penny for enthusiastically sharing your visit with us - it is so vivid, I can almost imagine I'm there with you! Now, I know I could look it up, but what is a Soroptomist school?!