Monday, 10 December 2012

MONDAY  10th December2012
The Internet was playing up yesterday - could not get my email to James Short to go although I know the address is correct. Need his Report on the Mission Built core school building at Kabalega Primary. My meeting last week about restoring it  is beginning to bear fruit so that is one positive thing.Michael Kaheru whose Dad had been the first African Head of the school brought our local M.P. Ernest Kiizza to meet me on Saturday evening and he has promised to help with a chatshow on local radio to publicise the need to fundraise and stop the building from being demolished and give more classroom space.
However I was really disheartened last night after a fun afternoon  at  Kinyara Sugar Works where Roger Collor dressed up as Father Christmas  to a group of rather bemused youngsters whose parents are employed at the factory. Of course timekeeping went all haywire and Roger finally made his entrance at just after 4pm  at a party that was scheduled for 2pm............ Sallie had been driven to Kinyara by Manager Robert and was hunting for the costume and eventually sent a message for someone to go and buy gumboots and a belt. Meanwhile Roger and Audrey were on the alert, trying to kep mzungu time and Baz and I were dozing until all hell let loose, with Welder Francis  bringing a new builder along to try and persuade me to concrete the floor of the thatched classroom and Roofer Alex  bringing his quotation for said floor and Roger C. saying what about wire mesh etc. etc........ When we got back from Kinyara about 7pm I  looked at the 2 quotes and whilst one specified 8  bags of cement the other wanted 50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does anyone know what they are doing? Some people think that mzungus can pluck money off trees!
In any case I don't have the money although I had considered using the  couple of hundred in the Kabalega Lunches Account but on reflection I shall do nothing. Most of the windows are now secured by strongly welded grilles and when Mary Headteacher has returned from the village she has promised to empty that classroom used as a store.
With only 5 days left in Masindi, I hope to take the walking frame to Harriet tomorrow. I also want to meet with the District Education Officer to again stress the need for more classrooms and I should pop over to  HIV positive Ivan's home to see if his mother is taking her ARVS..............
Finally I want to use the many packets of seeds that Janine's friend Rev Deb has given me and encourage Harriet's father to take upa hoe and dig for his family......

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