Thursday, 13 December 2012

THURSDAY 13th December
I thought we would be having a nice quiet day! Didn't go to breakfast until 9:30am- there was a big minibus load of tourists around  in the dining room so I tidied up our room in the hotel, preparing to go to Kampala on Saturday.Got some help in printing out Sallie's invitation to the Enthronement on Sunday and checked my emails. Really enjoyed the one from grandchild Nina! I am running out of books to read on my kindle and the WiFi at the hotel doesn't seem to be working. Hmmmmmm a load of noise  outside...... it is a squad of Army recruits training. They run down the road , some in uniform , some not, carrying guns and singing marching songs. There is an army Training School one mile down the road towards Murchison Falls so these occurrences are frequent.Uganda has a big contingent in Somalia. If you join the Army here it is for life .........
Monica Kiiza, former Headteacher of Kabalega Primary turned up mid morning. I had phoned her  to ascertain the amount of money raised at the Fundraising For The  Mission Built School building back in 2009. Apparently it has all been spent on painting the Government built classrooms. Mary Mukonyezi has not been to see me for well over a week  and was not in the office on the three occasions I went there....
Anyway Monica arrived with her new man in tow and is talking about An Introduction  (engagement) next year. I have suggested to Monica who is now an Inspector of Schools that  certainly the   new P7s start their new year in 3 groups and that indeed all classes start using one register for each class and the 2 teachers begin teaching just the few pupils who turn up at the very beginning in their separate groups instead of lumping  the children together until there are over 60 and then split into the 2 groups........... She thinks that is a good idea! But will Mary enforce it? The children trickle in at the beginning of term.
I enjoyed chatting with Monica, but she brought bad news - Margaret Ekwang's mother died last night. I shall go to the house with Sallie tonight. Tomorrow I hope to take Harriet's mother AlIce to the hospital to be sterilised, but only if she agrees.J anine reminded us that it must be  a voluntary choice - we all ended having lunch together- but monica ,as  an African felt that sterilisation after 10 children is a good  choice...
We'll see if Alice , or more pertinently her husband Charles  agrees tomorrow.
BUT I PLANNED TO TELL YOU ABOUT THE WEDDING IN KAMPALA which took place a fortnight ago.....Here are the bridesmaids in the pink dresses I brought in my suitcase for Florence the Bride to choose or not...... The girls are getting their hair done in Dr. Margarets house in Kamapala.

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