Despite getting back so late from Kampala on Saturday, I really wanted to go to church on Palm Sunday and I was not disappointed.
As usual the Runyoro service overran and when I reached the cathedral there were loads of people waiting patiently to get inside, nearly all carrying long palm fronds. I had seen the hawkers on the pavements in Kampala selling these palm fronds which of course are local - its a wonder the trees aren't stripped bare! Some people had stuck them on the front of their motorcycles!
About 8:30am - half an hour late - people began pouring out of the cathedral and I was able to photograph some with their palms. I quickly squeezed in to the back of the church in order to get a seat - it was quite a melee with people still pouring out and the rest of us struggling to get in!
I must say that Bishop George with the help of "The Nine Friends" (now 8 since Michael Kaheru's death) has quite cleaned up the cathedral and the English Service. They have whitewashed the nave and put fresh tiles all down the central aisle . The back porch has been opened out ,too in attempt to accommodate all the worshippers.
As the service began the choir processed down the aisle, all waving their palm fronds and singing their hearts out. As Reverend Lydia welcomed us she waved her palm and all the congregation waved theirs back! At certain points we stood and waved our palm fronds and shouted "Halleluhia".
There is new innovation which is a drop down screen with the prayers, responses and hymns projected on to it. This is great as only a minute percentage of the congregation have either hymn or service books. Rev. Evas has been moved from her position as Head of Mothers' Union and is now based in the cathedral. Her English is good , as is Rev. Lydia's and Evas preaches a decent sermon - so much better than Rev. Francis Kajura's when he was Vicar. Rev. Evas took Matthew as her text and put a bit of a leap in asking us to liken the cleansing of the temple to the cleansing of our hearts! I think she missed a bit out and could have explained more about the moneychangers and the doves for sale....... Nevertheless something to think about especially as she referred to Proverbs and how we should walk purposefully. We sang more hymns and waved our palm fronds and the service finished about 10:20am. I stood around and greeted the new Headteacher of Kabalega Primary who sings in the choir and several teachers until Mustapha arrived on his motorbike to whisk back to Courtview Hotel!
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