Wednesday, 23 April 2014

THIRD POST   TODAY April 23rd 2014

I am trying to catch up before I go to Kampala tomorrow for a couple of days.
I don't seem to have mentioned much about Easter but I really wasn't very well on Easter Sunday and although I got up in time after the disastrous  meal on Saturday night at The Masindi Hotel I must have missed Robert Hotel Manager who had promised to drive me to  the Cathedral and as I waited in the Dining Room I felt increasingly faint so went back to bed. Later Robert said that the cathedral was full to overflowing and a  marquee had been set up to accomodate everyone.Janine had apparently looked out for me and in fact texted me but I was back in bed. She sadi the same thing and that George led the service well.
I took it easy on Easter Monday and declined Janine's request to help her with her Easter Egg Hunt at The Family Spirit Orphanage. Mustapha helped her hide the eggs and apparently the kids were terribly excited and some found    3 or 4 eggs each!! She had coloured 10 trays of eggs!
I saved myself for 4pm  in the afternoon of Easter Monday when I went to Bishop George's for a fundraising Tea Party!. Some of you will know that the former Bishop Stanley had started to raise money to build a new cathedral for Masindi because the present St. Matthew's is too small. There are many critics, some of whom say the present one could be enlarged but  Bishop George took Nehemiah  as his text and as a result  banked nearly 3 million shillings and has pledges of up to 7 million..... We all sat under a marquee at the "tea party" and it was primarily in Runyoro. Janine and I WERE THE ONLY TWO MZUNGUS and Bishop George occasionally took the trouble to paraphrase in English just for us although Janine has a fair bit of Runyoro now.............. It was the usual long hot   afternoon with speeches and then prominent business men making suggestions and George repeating that receipts were to be issued and everything to be transparent. And I think it wil be under George's administration. Then came the auction with Headteacher Byona  as Master of Ceremonis  and clowning around amusingly and finally at 7pm as it was getting dark we  got up to wash our hands and take a plate of matooke, rice beef and cabbage plus a soda. I bumped into Teachers Nebbert taking pics with the camera I sent him fro U.K.  and Jackson who has been transferred. He begged me to visit him in his new school so I popped in to see him at Masinddi Town Model Primary yesterday and he was so pleased. They have a library - not too many books but a number of old donated encyclopaedias plus Readers. I hope to talk on Monday with Headteacher of Kabalega Millie about how we can implement Reading Time into the timetable .............
Must pack for an 8am ride to Kampala tomorrow. Will not take laptop so Blog will be resumed on Saurday /Sunday!

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