Thursday 10thApril.
Got chatting to Sallie and Robert over Breakfast and became late to attend Joyce Kasangaki, the Bishop's wife's English class. She had invited me when she and Bishop George had Dinner with me last Friday. I am intrigued that she had the vision to start classes for the clergy wives. Amongst this tribe, the Batoro women are expected to be very quiet and subservient to their husbands and many of the clergy have poorly educated wives. It does seem however that not many clergy wives are taking up the offer of extremely cheap classes in English and confidence although there were over 20 women and a couple of men waiting for me as Guest of Honour.They have opened the classes up and although not many clergy wives were there, they plan to start another class in Kigumba.
I found the group sitting on white plastic chairs sitting under the shade of a big jacaranda tree After the usual welcome I was invited to speak and used as my theme"The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world" and pointed out what an asset they would be to their husbands if they gain the confidence to stand and give thanks etcetc. It was wonderful to hear each woman in turn stand up and say a few words in English. Some were painfully shy and 3 or 4 made quite long speeches.Afterwards Joyce invited me and Janine plus their male teacher to a drink and snack back at the Bishop's house.There is a dearth of Adult Education Classes in Uganda and this is a wonderful start.
Following this I walked round to Kabalega Primary to look for Teacher Jackie to see if she knows more about schoolgirl Rachel's alleged pregnancy.Nebbert told me that her father is ill but gave me her phone number. I greeted Teacher Olive with whom I co-taught the P3s in 2012Her husband is studying for a Phd so she doesn't see much of him.
I walked all the way back to the hotel down past the swamp and up the hill again and collapsed over a bottle of coke. I am still being careful about what I eat and drink but my tum is nearly back to normal.
Kaija came to collect me after lunch to go t0 Western Union to try and collect Harriet's school fees which I had sent in February and which for some reason Kaija has been unable to collect. No go.I will see what I can do once back in Hounslow but I do wonder if Kaija has tried to collect them twice. Bought more tummy pills from HAWA Pharmacy and spent the afternoon trying to send emails but The Internet was too weak
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