Yesterday I spent the morning at Kabalega school, inspecting the new shutters on the office windows and hoping that Joseph Isingoma would return the text books and that the carpenter would deliver the new table for the computer. The ex Deputy Head was there searching for missing files and data which the new Head needs in order to fill in for The Ministry. Apparently all the schools are going crazy trying to fill in these detailed forms before the End of Term. I think that Headmaster who replaced Mary Mukonyezi did not keep his data up to date. Hopefully the computer will help them in that respect in future. I hope that Headteacher Millie will go on a computer course .
Welder Francis stopped by in the evening and I paid him for the shutters but the carpenter did not deliver the table until today so I will pay him when I see him
Joseph did not deliver the text books he had borrowed so this morning I went to Kyema school to demand them back.Headteacher Jennifer said he was with some children in town training for an athletics competition but when I phoned him he said he was at Kabalega school. So Manager Robert kindly continued to drive me. At Kabalega no-one had seen Joseph but both Rosaleen and Moses talked about the books so I think he may have bought them but I don't know what he has done with them. A different side to Joseph is being revealed as I speak to more people..........
Before breakfast I had phoned D.E.O. Deo and he invited me over to his office to discuss where to put the second computer ( I had already thought about this with Lynne and Ronnie and with Sallie and her friend Thelma. Happily Deo came up with Army Boarding school whose head, Julius was Baz's friend. Julius will collect the computer when he comes to Courtview tonight for a meeting.
After Lunch I shall go to Janine's to hard boil the 5 trays of eggs Mustapha is getting for me ready for the Egg Hunt at Masindi Centre for the Handicapped tomorrow
Drinking cold pineapple juice when I got back from Kabalega I greeted David my old friend the fishmonger from the market and he said he has Nile Perch so I bought 2 kilos for the hotel so I can eat some tonight!.
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