Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Wednesday 9thApril

First of all I seem to be mastering this new computer with its WINDOWS 8!!!!!
Secondly the tablets Sallie gave me at breakfast seem to be sorting out my tummy
.Thirdly I am coming to the conclusion that I should buy a new camera since the one I brought has simply disappeared.........
Yesterday despite starving myself in an attempt to  stop the tummy bug, I did go to Kyema School and demand Joseph  to return the English books to Kabalega school.Incidentally I found the new Headteacher there at Kyema to be Jennifer Bakwata whose husband Baz met through teaching cricket at The Army School. I felt sad that Joseph continued to delay by saying the he had lent the book s to his colleague who had gone for a burial.........I think you know how disappointed I am feeling with JosephSallie wonders if I will ever get those books back!
On a lighter note I continued to travel on to Kabalega, taking Rodgers the computer expert with me so that w could set up the new computer.Ssallie is despairing the  they will ever use it but I have my eye on Teacher James who is new to Kabalega or maybe Nebbert or even Sarah. Anyway we had a great old discussion about where to place the computer and I allowed them after about 30 minutes to conclude that the Heads office  was the right place! But yhen came the question of Security so again after discussion we called Francis the welder and he came by later to give me a price which was a total of £190.
When Manager Robert returned from Kampala I asked if this was reasonable and he said no - more like £140. so when Frances came this moning to take me to the ATM to get the deposit I bargained and eventually he agreed on £140 to fit metal shutters over the office windows. I also arranged with th carpenter to make us a table on which to place the computer.
Today I went by bodaboda(motorcycle) to visit Teacher George at Kinogozi where he has transferred. But more  tomorrow because I think the Internet is dying...........
And I must heck on the Askari at Kabalega tonight and give him a powerful torch... more effective to guard that computer than bows and arrows don't you think.......

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