Tuesday, 8 April 2014

TUESDAY 8th April.

Once again I have had to ask Rodgers to help me!
I think we have just posted the Blog I wrote on Sunday.........
Today, I am not feeling very well- not only did I gobble my Doxy anti malaria tablet early without eating (without food it makes one nauseous) but I accepted the teachers offer of "pancakes" and tea at school.........  I had got there at 7:30 because new headteacher Millie has organised a new regime of starting earlier in fact the P7s start at 7am and then Assembly at 7:30   . I did not have a good night last night!
This morning I have only drunk boiled water although I did try a few cornflakes and milk and am a bit better..
I was glad of the excuse to have to phone Teacher George and cancel my planned trip to see his new school. He stopped by last evening  and showed me the programme of welcome he had prepared - imagine the teaching hours lost with singing , dancing and speeches............. I would like to visit those 5 Kabalega teachers in their new schools  - a chance to compare facilities etc - but I don't think I can take any more speeches just now.
I spent 5 hours on Saturday at the funeral in the cathedral for Michael Kaheru -kidney failure after 17 years of diabetes apparently. On Sunday Sallie and I spent nearly 2 hours driving to his burial along extremely poor roads. Again I sat through hours of speeches (at least the burial service started on time) and Sallie and I were fractionally late- the service in the cathedral started 2 hours late AND Headteacher Millie had got me there early so my bum was PARALYSED after sitting for so long on hard wooden pews.!After the  burial on Sunday it was another 2 hours back and it rained! You have to experience a tropical thunderstorm to  fully realise the skill our Driver Wamani showed in keeping us on the road!
I am feeling a bit depressed today, no doubt because of my tummy but it seemed that nothing much had changed , yesterday when I visited Kabalega Primary and gave them one of the computers I was so kindly given. That classroom was being used as a storeroom still and Teacher Jackie was teaching a class of 78 pupils whilst teachers Moses and Nebbert were sitting  planning lessons......... I had a word with Headteacher Millie when she asked for feedback and after Break those P6 s were being taught in 2 groups .Also the posters were peeling off the classroom walls. On the positive side, Jackie's lesson wasn't bad  and the new teacher Harriet gave a sparkling maths lesson to the P5s
It does appear that things went downhill last year under that headteacher.
The thing that has really upset me is that Teacher Joseph STILL has not returned the English textbooks that he borrowed to take to his new school despite my phone calls.I think I may call Mustapha to take me to Kyema and bring the books back........
Sorry that I can't add any pictures - my camera still hasn't turned up.

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